Error Message
Creating a web service and publishing the service to ArcGIS Server fails, and the following error is returned:
Packaging succeeded but publishing failed.
ERROR 001369: Failed to create the service.
Please consult the GP Results Window for enhanced error description or
contact your administrator for the server logs.

This is a generic error code. There are many different reasons why this error may occur.
The three most common causes of ERROR 001369 are related to:
Two less common causes of the error are environment-specific, and are not present in all environments:
- OpLocks
- ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server
Solution or Workaround
Before troubleshooting the error, review the ArcGIS Server logs. Logs give insight into what ArcGIS Server processes are taking place. The ArcGIS Server logs can be inspected in ArcGIS Server Manager, or directly on the machine where ArcGIS Server is installed.
To access the logs in ArcGIS Server Manager, click the Logs tab on the top-right.

To access the logs directly on the machine where ArcGIS Server is installed, navigate to Drive:\arcgis\arcgisserver\logs\.

By default, the logs can be found in the ArcGIS Server directory.
To investigate permissions, be familiar with the account running ArcGIS Server. If unsure about the details of the account, perform the following workflow.
- Open the Windows Services dialog (Start > enter Services). Or, open the Run desktop app, type services.msc, and click OK.
- Locate the ArcGIS Server service.
- Inspect the value in the Log On As column for this service.
- If the value is formatted like ".\username", ArcGIS Server is running under a local account. This means the account only exists on the machine where ArcGIS Server is installed.
- If the value is formatted like "DOMAIN\username", ArcGIS Server is running under a domain account. A domain account exists on the Windows domain.
In the following image, ArcGIS Server is run by a local account named 'arcgis'; this is the default account when installing ArcGIS Server.

Once the account running ArcGIS Server is known:
- Ensure ArcGIS Server has read and write access on the following directories.
- C:\Python27
- C:\arcgisserver
- C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server
The above directories are the default directories. This list may vary depending on the environment.
- Verify that the PublishingTools service has started. This can be checked in ArcGIS Server Manager by clicking the Services tab and viewing the PublishingTools service status.

- To further isolate the issue, answer the following questions:
- Is publishing possible at all?
- Can other data be published to ArcGIS Server?
- Is a service being overwritten, or was a service previously published with this same name? What happens if a new service, with a new name, is published instead?
The result of the error may be data-specific. To determine if this is the case:
- Create a new MXD, add the data to the project, and publish it as a service.
- Re-register the data store being referenced in publishing.
This workflow disrupts all services referencing the data source. Therefore, this workflow potentially brings down services and ruins data references until the data store is re-established.
- In ArcGIS Server Manager, click the Site tab, and navigate to Data Stores.
- Click the X next to the data source to be re-registered.
- In the Unregister Database window, click Yes to delete the data connection.
- Click the Database drop-down and select the appropriate data source to re-establish the data store connection.
Check the number of ArcSOC processes. To check the number of ArcSOCs, log in to the machine where ArcGIS Server is installed.
- In a Windows environment, open Command Prompt and run the following command:
tasklist | find "ArcSOC.exe" /c
- In a Linux environment, run the following command:
ps -Al | grep -c arcso
If the number returned is greater than 200, this can be problematic in Windows environments. Refer to the linked article in the Related Information section below.
When possible, in either Windows or Linux environments, reduce the number of ArcSOCs. This can be done by:
- In ArcGIS Server Manager, click the Services tab, and navigate to the service to be edited by clicking the pencil icon next to the service's name.
- On the left-hand side, select Pooling.
- Lower the number of maximum instances for less popular services.
- Set the minimum number of instances for services not used regularly to '0'.
- Stopping any services that are not currently necessary.
- Deleting any services that are not necessary.
- Increasing heap size, as documented in the Related Information linked technical article.
Less Common Causes
- OpLocks
If the data referenced is a resource residing on a Samba directory with Opportunistic Locking (OpLocks) enabled, this error may be returned when publishing a service. To resolve this issue, disable oplocks for each of the Samba directories. The instructions provided describe how to do this.
- On the machine hosting Samba, open smb.conf.
- For each directory configured to be accessible through Samba, add the following properties:
oplocks = false
level2 oplocks = false
- Save smb.conf.
- Run the testparm command to verify that the properties appear in the Samba configuration file.
- Restart Samba (SMB) and NetBIOS (NMB) services.
- ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server
If ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server has recently been installed, this error may be returned if:
- The ArcGIS Server service is not started.
- The ArcGIS Server or ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server is not authorized.
- The user running the ArcGIS Server service is not a registered database user and does not have access.
- In a cluster ArcGIS Server environment, ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server is not installed on all clusters.
- To troubleshoot this issue:
- Verify ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server is installed, authorized, and accessible.
- Restart the ArcGIS Server service after ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server is installed.
- If using Operating System authentication, add the acount running the ArcGIS Server services to the database with read and write permissions.
- Install ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server on each cluster in the ArcGIS Server cluster environment.