Duplicate username detected and auto-adjusted

Last Published: November 8, 2023

Error Message

Inviting a new user to an organization fails and returns the following error:

Duplicate username detected and auto-adjusted
Duplicate username error


The added username is an existing ArcGIS public account. This is an expected behavior when adding a username from an existing ArcGIS public account to an organization. In some cases, the account can be considered a public account after the deletion of the account from an organization. There are two possible scenarios where the deleted account becomes an ArcGIS public account.

  • The ArcGIS Online account was deleted from the organization website before June 2023. Before the update, deleted organizational accounts are automatically converted into ArcGIS public accounts.
  • The ArcGIS Online account was deleted from the organization website after June 2023 with the 'Keep Esri Access' option checked during the deletion process. This option converts the organizational account into an ArcGIS public account.
Keep Esri Access picture for after June 2023

Refer to ArcGIS Online: Delete member for more information regarding deleting accounts.

Solution or Workaround

The following procedure describes how to retrieve the username information and converting the public account into an organizational account.

The following procedure may require the assistance of a user with administrator privileges or an IT personnel.
  1. Retrieve the username credentials associated with the email. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Verify your username for instructions.
If the username does not exist within the ArcGIS Online database, the credentials are not sent to the associated email. In this case, the email may be incorrect or a new ArcGIS Online account with a different username can be created to receive the invitation into the organization.
  1. Using an administrator account, send an invite to the verified username with the Invite members to join using an account of their choice option.
  2. Accept the invitation link and log into the ArcGIS Online account using the credentials provided in the email.
  3. Identify the account being an organizational account by verifying the organizational URL in the browser address bar and the presence of the Organization tab, as shown in the following image. The format for the an organization URL is as follows:
Example or organizational URL

Article ID: 000031221

  • ArcGIS Online

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