Creating Notebook Failed. An error occurred while creating a new notebook. Permission denied: <notebook_name>.ipynb

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

Various ArcGIS modules can be used with the Jupyter Notebook application installed with ArcGIS Pro, and a folder location is automatically created to store the notebooks. However, the following error message is returned when creating a new notebook using the default location created in the C drive of the machine.

Creating Notebook Failed
An error occurred while creating a new notebook. Permission denied: <notebook_name>.ipynb
Error message


The following are possible causes:

  • The read or write permissions of the default folder located in the C drive of the machine is restricted.
  • An error occurred during the ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Python Package Manager installation.

Solution or Workaround

If the read or write permissions of the default folder is restricted, either start Jupyter Notebook in a different folder, or request the admin to create a new Python environment clone for non-admin users.

Start the Jupyter Notebook in a different folder

In the Python Command Prompt, replace the file path with a different folder containing the appropriate read or write permissions.

  1. Open the Python Command Prompt. Type the following code to change the folder location to the desired folder, and press Enter.
cd [folder location] 
Different folder
  1. Type jupyter notebook in the Python Command Prompt to launch Jupyter Notebook on the machine, and press Enter.
jupyter notebook
Python Command Prompt

Request the admin of the machine to create a new Python environment clone for non-admin users

Non-admin users do not have the required permissions to clone a Python environment, only admins can do this. Refer to How To: Clone a Python environment with the Python Command Prompt for detailed steps.

If the error occurred during an installation of ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Python Package Manager, follow the steps described below to resolve the issue.

  1. Open Windows File Explorer and, navigate to 'C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python'.
  2. Rename the Python folder and repair the ArcGIS Pro application. Refer to Microsoft: Repair apps and programs for more information.
Installation of ArcGIS Pro includes the installation of ArcGIS Python Package Manager. If the ArcGIS Python Package Manager is not installed during the ArcGIS Pro installation, manually install the package manager. Refer to ArcGIS API for Python: Install using ArcGIS Pro Python Package Manager for detailed steps.

Article ID:000021819

  • ArcGIS Pro 1 x
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 x

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