Create Replica failed. DBMS table not found. The workspace is not connected

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

When attempting to perform a geodata service replication, the following error is returned:

Create Replica failed. DBMS table not found. The workspace is not connected.
User-added image

Concurrently, a SEVERE level error is logged in the ArcGIS Server Manager indicating that the geodata service participating in the replication is the source of the error.

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This issue occurs when an alias is specified in the properties of the ArcSDE feature class. The replication process fails due to the difference between the ArcSDE feature class name and the layer name in the Table Of Contents (TOC) in ArcMap.

Ensure the layer names in the ArcMap Table Of Contents match the dataset names in the geodatabase. Refer to Step 2 in ArcGIS Server: Publishing a geodata service with a map service.

Solution or Workaround

To resolve this issue, refer to the instructions provided below:

  1. In ArcCatalog, right-click the desired feature class in the database connection > Properties.

  2. In Feature Class Properties, navigate to the General tab.
  3. Under Alias, remove all aliases, and click OK.

  4. Republish the map service. For more information on publishing a geodata service, refer to ArcGIS Server: Publishing a geodata service.

Article ID: 000015142

  • ArcMap
  • ArcGIS Server

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