Error converting labels

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

An error occurs when converting labels to annotation in ArcMap. This message appears:

"Error converting labels"

This message may or may not be preceded by the following message:

"The annotation group or feature class <annotation class> already exists. Delete all the existing annotation in <annotation class>?"

After the message(s), no labels are converted.


In ArcGIS 8.2 and earlier versions, this error occurs when converting multiple label classes to the same output annotation feature class.

In ArcGIS 8.3 and later versions, this error only occurs when converting multiple label classes to the same existing feature-linked annotation class.

Solution or Workaround

  • If you are using ArcGIS 8.2 or earlier, and you are converting to standard annotation--that is, nonfeature-linked annotation--you have two options:

    1) Convert each label class separately.

    Run the conversion once for each label class, check on only one class at a time, and specify the same target annotation feature class each time through the conversion.


    2) Convert each label class to a separate annotation feature class.
  • If you are converting to feature-linked annotation, you must convert each label class to a separate annotation feature class.

Article ID: 000003143

  • ArcMap 8 x

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