In one of the three scenarios below, the following error is returned:
Error: Closed polylines are not allowed for network features.
Scenario 1: When using XML Import or the Extract Data and Create Replica commands on the Distributed Geodatabase toolbar, if the source features are geometric network features, the operation may fail and return the closed polyline error message.
Scenario 2: During conflict resolution on the Conflicts dialog box.
Scenario 3: During reconcile, in which the error message is appended to the end of a "The version failed to reconcile" error message. The error message may or may not be appended with information concerning the class name and Object ID of the feature causing the error.
Depending on the cause, choose one of the options below to resolve the issue:
Scenario 1
Correct the geometry of the features in the source network feature class using the steps outlined in ArcMap: Repairing features with an identical start–stop vertex.
Scenario 2
Scenario 2 may be resolved if it is possible to identify which feature caused the error. This is done by resolving conflicts at a class or feature level. If the feature causing the error is identified, complete the instructions below:
If this error is unresolved, contact Esri Technical Support to troubleshoot this issue.
Scenario 3
Scenario 3 may be resolved if it is possible to identify which feature caused the error. This is done by resolving conflicts at a class or feature level. If the feature causing the error is identified, use the Disconnect command on the feature prior to reconciling the version.
If this error is unresolved, contact Esri Technical Support to troubleshoot this issue.
Article ID: 000009900
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