Certificates do not conform to algorithm constraints

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

When ArcGIS Server is configured using a self-signed certificates, several processes fail and return one of the following error messages, depending on the user interface, either the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory, or the Portal Administrator Directory:

Certificates does not conform to algorithm constraints
Certificates do not conform to algorithm constraints

Some examples of the processes that lead to the error are as follows:

  • Publishing a hosted feature layer through Portal for ArcGIS
  • Checking the ArcGIS Server machine status
  • Federating ArcGIS Server with Portal for ArcGIS

The following images are examples of how the error message is returned in both the ArcGIS Server and the Portal for ArcGIS administrator directories.

The image of the error message in ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory.
The image of the error message in Portal for ArcGIS Administrator Directory.


The error is caused by an unsupported signature algorithm used in the self-signed certificate. While ArcGIS Server allows the usage of a self-signed certificate, some certificates use a signature algorithm that is not supported. An example of an unsupported signature algorithm is the RSASSA-PSS algorithm.

User-added image

The signature algorithm of a certificate can be checked using the following steps:
  1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. For detailed steps, see the following Microsoft help document: Microsoft: How to: Open IIS Manager
  2. Double-click Server Certificates
The image of Server Ceritificates in the IIS Manager window. 
  1. Double-click the desired certificate. This opens the Certificate window.
The image of selected certificate. 
  1. Click Details
The image of the Certificate window. 
Even if the algorithm is not supported, the import is still deemed successful and ArcGIS Server page is still accessible without any issue.

Solution or Workaround

Use a certificate with a supported signature algorithm. The following web help document, Portal for ArcGIS: Import a certificate into the portal describes in detail the supported signature algorithm.

Article ID: 000016630

  • Portal for ArcGIS
  • ArcGIS Server

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