A collaboration between ArcGIS Online and Portal for ArcGIS fails to sync with the following error message returned in the portal log:
Error: Cannot execute collaboration workspace sync. Participate with id '<participant ID>' has status NOT active for collaboration with name '<collaboration ID>' and id , workspace id'<workspace ID>'
In a collaboration, traffic is initiated by the guest organization (Portal for ArcGIS) to the host of the collaboration (ArcGIS Online). This means it is necessary to allow outbound traffic from the portal machine to ArcGIS Online. Connection to ArcGIS Online may be blocked by one or a combination of the following causes:
Use one of the following solutions depending on the cause of the error.
Note: These solutions may require the assistance of a network administrator.
Configure a firewall allowed list to enable access to ArcGIS Online and associated URLs
Configure the firewall of the network or machine with Portal for ArcGIS to allow the following URLs:
Once the exceptions are created, recreate the collaboration.
No outbound traffic is allowed on port 443
Create network firewall rules to allow outbound communication from the machine wherein Portal for ArcGIS is installed over port 443. Refer to Portal for ArcGIS: Ports used by Portal for ArcGIS for more information.
The Windows account running the Portal for ArcGIS service does not have any internet connection
Ensure the Windows account running the Portal for ArcGIS service has an internet connection. This can be resolved by enabling a forward proxy. Refer to Portal for ArcGIS: Configure your portal to use a forward proxy server for more information.
Article ID: 000020418
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