In some instances, when opening a map in ArcGIS for Power BI, the following error message is returned:
Error: ArcGIS for Power BI is in viewer mode. To edit this report, sign in to an ArcGIS account with a Creator user type or higher.
Additionally, the analysis tools are not available for performing map content analysis.
This issue occurs because the user has insufficient privileges in ArcGIS Online.
To access all the features of ArcGIS for Power BI, the ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise organizational account requires the appropriate user type and privileges. Only ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise organizational members with at least a Creator user type and a User role can access all the ArcGIS for Power BI's features. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Configure member roles to set the user type and role in ArcGIS Online.
Note: Default administrators and members with the appropriate privileges can configure custom roles to add control and flexibility to the default roles in the organization.
Article ID: 000025181
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