In ArcGIS for Power BI, when attempting to load a spreadsheet with latitudes and longitudes, the following error is returned:
Error: Can't display this visual. The Latitude bucket doesn't support measures or aggregated numbers.
Create exceptions in Portal for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Server. Refer to ArcGIS for Microsoft 365: Configure ArcGIS Enterprise cross-origin resource sharing for further instructions.
Contact the IT department to create URL exceptions in the organization. Refer to ArcGIS for Microsoft 365: ArcGIS for Power BI secure networks for the URL exceptions.
Note: ArcGIS Online has certain domain requirements that must also be met. Suppose an organization decides to leverage its enterprise deployments with features like geocoding, ArcGIS Living Atlas, basemaps, imagery, demographics, infrastructure, and environmental data. In that case, ensure the network can access these additional domains.
If an organization's security policy disallows wildcards, refer to PDF: Domain Requirements for ArcGIS Online. Note that users must be signed in with an organizational account to view either of these documents, as they are located in the secure document section of the ArcGIS Trust Center
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