After setting up the Send an Email Output Connector in ArcGIS GeoEvent Server, the event data is not sent via email, and the following error message is displayed in the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server logs:
Error: An error occurred while sending email. com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPSendFailedException: 550 5.7.58 SMTP; Client does not have permissions to submit to this server
The ArcGIS GeoEvent Server Windows service account does not exist on the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server, or does not have the necessary permissions to send event data emails.
Add the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server Windows service account to the SMTP server, and provide the account with the necessary permissions to send event data emails. This process is performed by the organization's IT.
Refer to GeoEvent Server: Send an Email, for more information about the Send an Email Output Connector and the SMTP server parameters,
Article ID: 000025035
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