When attempting to access a Web Feature Service (WFS) or a Web Map Service (WMS) published to a federated portal, an error message is returned.
Error: 499: Error occurred while processing request.
The security and sharing settings of Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) services in ArcGIS Enterprise are managed by the sharing status of the primary service on which a capability was enabled – i.e., the Map Service that is published with WMS enabled as a capability. For example, when a map service named CityParcels is published with a WMS capability enabled, and the CityParcels item in ArcGIS Enterprise is shared to the Owner only, another user in ArcGIS Enterprise cannot access the WMS endpoint, just as they cannot access the MapServer endpoint.
To resolve this error in ArcGIS Enterprise, the Owner can Share the OGC item and the original Item (for example, Map Service) to Everyone.
To resolve this error in a standalone ArcGIS Server, the Owner can do one of the following:
Secured OGC services return this error unless both the OGC and the corresponding map service are shared with Everyone in the My Content interface, or a valid ArcGIS Enterprise token is provided along with the request to the OGC Service.
To circumvent this issue, consider:
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