In ArcGIS Pro, expressions are used in the Calculate Field tool to calculate the values of a field in a layer. Sometimes, the Calculate Field tool fails when attempting to use an expression, and returns the following error message:
Error: 160327: A column was specified that does not exist.
Note: Use the Verifybutton to validate the expression before running the Calculate Field tool.
Depending on the cause, choose one of the following workarounds to run the expression using the Calculate Field tool in ArcGIS Pro.
Ensure the expression matches the expression type in the Calculate Field tool
In ArcGIS Pro, ensure the expression used matches the expression type selected in the Calculate Field tool.
Select the Arcade expression type in the Calculate Field tool to run the Arcade expression on the field values. In the Calculate Field pane, click the Expression Type drop-down arrow, and select Arcade from the drop-down list.
Alternatively, use a standardized SQL expression for the SQL expression type in the Calculate Field tool to run the SQL expression on the field values.
Select the field names from the Fields list in the Calculate Field tool
In ArcGIS Pro, select the required field names from the Fields list in the Calculate Field tool to run the SQL expression. In the Calculate Field pane, double-click the field names in the Fields list to add the correct field names to the Expression box.
Enclose strings of the SQL expression with single quotation marks in the Calculate Field tool
In ArcGIS Pro, enclose the strings of the SQL expression with single quotation marks in the Calculate Field tool to run the SQL expression on the field values.
Article ID: 000027131
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