000229: Cannot open < value >

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

When running a geoprocessing tool, ArcMap returns the following error message:

Error 000229: Cannot open <value>.

This error message indicates the data required by the geoprocessing tool is unavailable or invalid. However, the error message can display when the data is valid and accessible if background geoprocessing is enabled.


This error message displays when the following occurs:

  • The data is inaccessible, unavailable, or invalid.
  • There are unsupported data types in 64-bit background processing.
  • Unsupported tools are unable to run in background processing.
  • The 64-bit background geoprocessing does not have the necessary 64-bit libraries.

When background processing is turned on, scripts execute using 64-bit background processing. ArcMap is unable to read data types not supported by 64-bit background processing, while tools incapable of running in the background cannot leverage 64-bit processing. By default, ArcMap and ArcCatalog communicate through a 32-bit client library.

Solution or Workaround

Confirm that the data exists and has been specified correctly. Also confirm that the data can be accessed through other means, such as being able to navigate to the dataset in the Catalog tree.

Execute the tool in the foreground by disabling background processing, or uninstall 64-bit background geoprocessing.

Disable 64-bit background geoprocessing
  1. In ArcMap, navigate to the Geoprocessing menu.
  2. Click Geoprocessing Options.

    3. In the Geoprocessing Options dialog box under Background Processing, uncheck the Enable check box.
    4. Click OK, and reload the tool.
To continue using background geoprocessing, uninstall 64-bit background geoprocessing. Background processing reverts back to 32-bit.

Article ID: 000012177

  • ArcMap 10 x

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