000010: Geocode addresses failed

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

When geocoding a table of addresses, the geocoding process fails and returns the following error:

000010: Geocode addresses failed.

A screenshot with the error highlighted.


This error occurs due to one or more of the following causes:

  • Incorrect file format for the table of addresses.
  • Inconsistent Excel formatting for field names.
  • Duplicate fields in the table of addresses.
  • The license level for ArcGIS Desktop is insufficient to perform the geocoding operation.

Solution or Workaround

Based on the cause, follow the respective solutions to resolve the issue.

  • Ensure the table is saved as a CSV

    Save the table of addresses as a CSV file and use the CSV file as the input for geocoding.

  • Consistently format the Excel table

    Ensure the table is formatted consistently for use in ArcGIS. Remove any spaces or special characters from the field names of the table of addresses. For more information, refer to ArcGIS Help: Formatting a table in Microsoft Excel for use in ArcGIS.

  • Remove duplicate fields in the table of addresses

    Remove and ensure there are no duplicate fields in the table of addresses before running the Geocode Addresses tool.

  • Ensure the ArcGIS Desktop license level supports the geocoding methods

    Some address geocoding methods such as the out_relationship_type method, are only supported with the ArcGIS Desktop Standard or ArcGIS Desktop Advanced licences. Ensure the license level is capable of supporting the geocoding methods used. For more information, refer to ArcGIS Help: Geocode Addresses.

Article ID: 000013875

  • ArcMap

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