Engine applications that require OpenGL functionality will say "abort" on exiting the application

Last Published: April 25, 2020


ArcGIS applications running on Linux platforms that use Engine Runtime functionality and require OpenGL, such as the Visual JavaBeans and some dynamic display functionality, receives an error message that says "abort" or may receive a 134 error code on exiting the application. This experience is only observed when invoking the application through a command prompt.

This more than likely happens on AoUninitialize. It is a standard default error message and does not cause the process to be killed.

However, while this makes the problem less severe, it is still an undesirable experience.


All Visual JavaBeans samples/applications that use OpenGL with NVIDIA drivers abort on exit when executed using 'java -jar' or 'arcgisant run-sample'. Increasingly, more components in ArcGIS are using OpenGL, causing the abort issue to be more widely experienced.

The aborts on close are not seen with ATI drivers or with MESA’s implementation of OpenGL. MESA, however, does not leverage hardware acceleration that is available through NVIDIA or ATI.

Solution or Workaround

For best performance, ignore the error, which has no negative effect, and continue to use the NVIDIA driver.

Use a MESA driver. While the MESA drivers do not exhibit this error, their performance is not as good as with NVIDIA drivers.

Always check ArcGIS Online and review the System Requirements pages to ensure that the OpenGL version meets the minimum requirements.

    Article ID: 000010877

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