Enabling or disabling the schema locking property for a map service results in the opposite behavior

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Enabling or disabling the schema locking property for a map service results in the opposite behavior of what is intended.


This is a known issue in ArcGIS for Server 10.1.


Edit the schema locking property in ArcGIS for Desktop to be the opposite value of what you actually want.

  1. Open ArcGIS for Desktop and navigate to the map service to be edited.
  2. Right-click the map service and choose Service Properties.
  3. Select the Parameters tab.
  4. Click the Advanced button.
  5. Enter a value of true or false for the schemaLockingEnabled property and click OK.

    • To edit the schema of the data, enter a value of true.

    • To lock the schema of the data, enter a value of false.

  6. Click OK to save the edits to the map service and close the Service Editor.

Article ID: 000011621

  • ArcGIS Server

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