Enable the debugging window in the Web Mapping Application

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Instructions provided describe the steps to enable the debugging window in the Web Mapping Application with ArcGIS Server 9.2 for the Microsoft .Net Framework. The information displayed in the debugging window may be useful in troubleshooting problems and communicating with ESRI Support Services.


Do not enable this debugging option on a Web Mapping Application that is in a production environment. It is strongly recommended that this procedure is executed on a copy of the Web Mapping Application.

  1. Under the IIS Web site directory (Example: C:\inetpub\wwwroot), create a copy of the Web application folder.

    Example: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MyBackupSite
  2. Using IIS Manager, make the copied folder a Web application.

    A. Open IIS Manager under Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services

    B. Navigate to the location of the copied folder.

    Example: Web Sites > Default Web Site > MyBackupSite

    C. Right-click on the folder and select Properties.

    D. Under the Directory tab, click on the Create button next to the Application Name text box.

    E. Click OK.

    F. Close the Internet Information Services dialog box.

  3. Verify that the copied Web Mapping Application opens and functions correctly in a Web browser.
  4. Open the Default.aspx file of the new Web application using Visual Studio or a text editor, such as Notepad. This file is found at the root level of the Web application.

    Example: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\MyBackupSite\Default.aspx
  5. Locate the following section of code near the bottom of the file:

    <asp:TextBox ID="MapDebugBox" runat="server" Height="200px" Width="935px" TextMode="MultiLine"
    style="left: 5px; position: absolute; top: 549px" Visible="true">Debug box...
    This is useful for debugging modifications or additions to the Map Viewer application.
    Set Visible property to true to display Map Viewer requests and responses on web page.
    By default, the property is set to false, and the box will not be rendered on the web page.
    <input id="Button1" style="left: 749px; position: absolute; top: 516px" type="button"
    value="Clear Debug Box" onmousedown="document.forms[0].MapDebugBox.value=''" />

  6. Delete the <%-- and --%> characters from this block of code to uncomment the debugging window. The result should look like the following:


    <asp:TextBox ID="MapDebugBox" runat="server" Height="200px" Width="935px" TextMode="MultiLine"
    style="left: 5px; position: absolute; top: 549px" Visible="true">Debug box...
    This is useful for debugging modifications or additions to the Map Viewer application.
    Set Visible property to true to display Map Viewer requests and responses on web page.
    By default, the property is set to false, and the box will not be rendered on the web page.
    <input id="Button1" style="left: 749px; position: absolute; top: 516px" type="button"
    value="Clear Debug Box" onmousedown="document.forms[0].MapDebugBox.value=''" />

  7. Save and close the Default.aspx file.
  8. Open the modified Web Mapping Application in a new browser.

    At the bottom of the Default.aspx page, there should now be a debug window that can be viewed and in which text can be copied.

Article ID: 000009626

  • ArcGIS Server

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