Enable the context menu in the Metadata tab

Last Published: April 25, 2020


With ArcGIS 8.1 and 8.2 the context menu does not appear when right-clicking in the Metadata tab. To make it easier to copy information from one document to another, enabling the context menu is recommended. This can be done by making a slight modification to the stylesheet.


  1. Start a text editor such as Notepad.
  2. Open the stylesheet that needs editing. For example, in Notepad:
    A. Click File > Open.
    B. Navigate to the ArcGIS\arcexe8x\Metadata\Stylesheets folder.
    C. In the Files of type dropdown list click All Files (*.*) to list the folder's contents.
    D. Open the .xsl file whose name corresponds to the stylesheet used in ArcCatalog.
  3. From Notepad's Edit Menu, click Find to search for the text 'oncontextmenu'.
  4. The stylesheet contains the instruction: oncontextmenu="return false". Change this to: oncontextmenu="return true".
  5. Save the changes and close the text editor.
  6. If ArcCatalog is running, select the stylesheet again in the dropdown list on the Metadata toolbar.
  7. Select the text, right-click the selected text, and click Copy.

    When using the context menu for viewing metadata in ArcCatalog, the supported options are copy text, refresh the page, and print the document.

Article ID: 000005741

  • ArcMap 8 x

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