With ArcGIS 8.1 and 8.2 the context menu does not appear when right-clicking in the Metadata tab. To make it easier to copy information from one document to another, enabling the context menu is recommended. This can be done by making a slight modification to the stylesheet.
- Start a text editor such as Notepad.
- Open the stylesheet that needs editing. For example, in Notepad:
A. Click File > Open.
B. Navigate to the ArcGIS\arcexe8x\Metadata\Stylesheets folder.
C. In the Files of type dropdown list click All Files (*.*) to list the folder's contents.
D. Open the .xsl file whose name corresponds to the stylesheet used in ArcCatalog. - From Notepad's Edit Menu, click Find to search for the text 'oncontextmenu'.
- The stylesheet contains the instruction: oncontextmenu="return false". Change this to: oncontextmenu="return true".
- Save the changes and close the text editor.
- If ArcCatalog is running, select the stylesheet again in the dropdown list on the Metadata toolbar.
- Select the text, right-click the selected text, and click Copy.
When using the context menu for viewing metadata in ArcCatalog, the supported options are copy text, refresh the page, and print the document.