There are two common attributes of a text box type in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, namely Single Line and Multiple Line. These two types of text boxes are represented as TextBox and TextArea respectively in the json config file (config.json). As the name implies, the Single Line text box type does not wrap text, as it constructs the string as only one line, while Multiple Lines text box type constructs the string into multiple lines, hence wrapping the text in the comment box.
The article demonstrates how to change the text box type from single line to multiple lines to enable text wrapping in a comment box.
Changing the text box type can be done in both ArcGIS Online and by defining the TextArea in the config.json file. The instructions provided describe how to change the text box type from single line to multiple line.
Note: The web maps attribute configuration takes precedence over the setting in the edit widgets config.json file.
"fieldInfos": [ { "fieldName": "Field_Name", "label": "Field_Label", "isEditable": true, "stringFieldOption": "textarea" },
.dijitTextBox { width: 100%; } .claro .dijitTextArea { height: 60px; width: 200px; }
Article ID: 000015180
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