Replication uses internal system versions to manage the synchronization process between replicas. The need to maintain these versions can limit the number of changes moved to the business tables during a compress. The synchronization process creates, drops and reconciles, and posts these versions which can make more rows available for compress to apply to the business tables. Instructions provided describe how to perform these replica synchronizations before compress.
Note: Support for Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) for ArcMap and ArcCatalog ended with the ArcGIS 10.2.2 release, and Esri has not included VBA compatibility setups since version 10.5. See: ArcGIS Desktop and VBA Moving Forward
Performing any of the following steps can result in an improvement during compress. Performing all steps in the order described below results in the biggest improvement.
Sub rec_sync_order() Dim pGxApp As IGxApplication Set pGxApp = Application Dim pGxObj As IGxObject Set pGxObj = pGxApp.SelectedObject Dim pName As IName Dim pVerWksp3 As IVersionedWorkspace3 Dim pRnEnum As IEnumBSTR Dim rName As String Set pName = pGxObj.InternalObjectName Set pVerWksp3 = pName.Open Set pRnEnum = pVerWksp3.RecommendedSyncOrder pRnEnum.Reset rName = pRnEnum.Next Do Until rName = "" Debug.Print rName rName = pRnEnum.Next Loop End Sub
Note: This script only lists replicas that have changes to be synchronized. For example, if no changes have been made since the replica was created or the last synchronize, the replica would not be listed in the output for the synchronize order.
Article ID: 000010260
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