Effectively combine cached and dynamic map services in a .NET Web Mapping Application

Last Published: April 25, 2020


When creating a Web Mapping Application for ArcGIS Server, multiple map services can be combined in a single application. To achieve the best possible performance when combining a cached and dynamic map service, follow one of the procedures outlined below.

This workflow has been designed for ArcGIS Server .NET 9.2.


Four main combinations have been identified.

All scenarios should be considered carefully, as each has benefits and limitations, and the one that best suits the current work flow should be adopted.

  • Change all map services to use a map cache.
  • Change all map services to be dynamic map services (non-cached).
  • Change the primary map resource in the Web application to the dynamic map service.

    1. When building the Web application through ArcGIS Server Manager, add the two map services in the Layers section of the wizard.
    2. Click the 'Preview Layers' tab.
    3. Select the dynamic map service from the option 'Use coordinate system, rotation and extent of' and click Apply.
    [O-Image] select

    4. Finish building the Web application.

    The Zoom Level bar for cached services does not display in the Web application, as observed when using only cached map services. Users of the application are able to zoom to scale levels that are not explicitly cached, causing cache tiles to be re-sampled.

  • Combine the cached map service and the dynamic map service into a single service, also known as cascading services.

    Cascading services are not generally recommended, as service stability cannot be guaranteed. This workaround should only be implemented if the above workarounds are absolutely unusable and understood that service reliability might be less than 100%.

    1. Create a map service, publish to ArcGIS Server, and create the cache.
    2. Create a new MXD and add the cached ArcGIS Server map service and the dynamic data (shapefiles, feature classes, etc.).
    3. Save the MXD and publish this combination MXD to ArcGIS Server.
    4. Use the cascading map service as input to the Web application.

    The graphic below diagrams the workflow:
    The Zoom Level bar for cached services does not display in the Web application, as observed when using only cached map services. Users of the application are able to zoom to scale levels that are not explicitly cached, causing cache tiles to be re-sampled.

Article ID: 000009933

  • ArcGIS Server

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