When attempting to display data in a web application, for example Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, and printing the map using the Print widget, the print results fail to display any data and return a Layer Drawing Error. The following example shows how the error may appear in the ArcGIS Server Manager log:
In the raw log file located in the folder, C:\arcgisserver\logs\<User>\server, the error may appear as follows:
Error: <Msg time='2014-12-10T10:56:34,672' type='SEVERE' code='103800' target='servicename.MapServer' methodName='DrawGraphicCursor.NextGraphic' machine='abc' process='32624' thread='30964' user='anonymous' >There is an error during the draw abc (1.) Out of server memory [scheme,(2.) layername].</Msg>
There are two possible causes for the drawing error:
Use one of the following options to solve this issue:
Article ID: 000016601
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