Display .DBF tables containing null values in ArcGIS

Last Published: April 25, 2020


To display .DBF tables that contain null values, the table needs to be properly formatted first. Instructions provided describe how to properly format first .DBF tables.


It is important that table names and field names do not contain spaces, do not have numeric leading characters, and do not use foreign characters other than the underscore.

  1. Import the .DBF file into Access and 'Save Table As' an .MDB file.
  2. Using ArcCatalog, create a new personal geodatabase and right-click on the personal geodatabase and select Import > Table.
  3. Select the .MDB file as the Input Table.
  4. Specify a name for the Output Table Name. Click OK.

    The table displays in ArcCatalog, and it is able to display the null fields.

Article ID: 000008037

  • ArcMap

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