Display an image using the identify tool

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Instructions provided describe how to display an image associated with a feature using the identify tool.


Instead of creating a hyperlink, users can display an image by creating a raster field and using the Identify tool.
A raster field can only be created within a feature class. This field type is not available for shapefiles.

  1. Add the feature class to ArcMap and open the attribute table.
  2. Go to Options > Add Field.
  3. Give the field a name and select the type to be 'Raster'.
  4. Close the attribute table and start an edit session for the geodatabase that the feature class resides.
  5. Select a feature using the Edit tool and open the Attributes window from the Editor toolbar.
  6. Select the Raster field on the right by clicking on it. After the field is selected, an icon appears next to <Null>. Click this icon.
  7. A new window opens. Right-click in this window and select 'Load'.
  8. Browse to the image you want to display, select it and hit 'Add'. In the attribute table, <Null> should change to <Raster>.
  9. Close out of the attribute table. Use the Identify tool to select the feature that the image is added to. In the Identify window, select the icon next to <Raster>. The image that was loaded appears.

Article ID: 000008603

  • ArcMap 8 x
  • ArcMap 9 x

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