Disable creating new related records for a Survey123 form in ArcGIS Collector

Last Published: February 7, 2025


The custom URL scheme of ArcGIS Survey123 can be used to link to a survey from other applications, such as ArcGIS Collector. When creating new records in a related table for existing features, Survey123 can be opened from the pop-up window of a feature in Collector. This workflow is advantageous when desiring form functionalities that are only available in Survey123.

In some instances, when performing this workflow, a new record is mistakenly created in Collector, instead of launching the Survey123 form.

Collector for ArcGIS with the add record button.


To disable the creation of new related records in ArcGIS Collector and to create the records in Survey123 instead, disable editing within a specific web map without disabling the option to edit the feature service itself. This allows the user to view the custom URL scheme in the Collector pop-up window to review existing related records for the selected features, but removes the option to add a new record. This ensures that new related records are only created in Survey123.

To do this, refer to the instructions provided below.

  1. In the ArcGIS Online web map, click the ellipsis button (...) on the related table and select Disable Editing.
  2. Leave the feature layer editable. If this is not desirable, ensure that at least one feature layer is editable, or create a placeholder layer, make the layer editable, and add the layer to the map.
Image of the Disable Editing button in ArcGIS Online

When the map is opened in Collector, and a feature is tapped, the existing related records can be viewed but no new records can be created. When launching the survey, the answers are saved into the editable feature service layer, since the survey form is connected to the layer by the Item ID and not through the web map.

Collector for ArcGIS without the add record button.

Article ID: 000017020

  • ArcGIS Collector
  • ArcGIS Survey123 Website

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