Delete pyramids of file-based raster datasets in ArcGIS 10.0

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Instructions provided describe how to delete pyramids of file-based raster dataset in ArcGIS 10.0.


With the release of ArcGIS 10 there are two methods available to remove pyramids from file-based raster datasets.

Method 1: Delete the pyramids in Windows Explorer

• Open the folder containing the raster dataset and manually delete the .rrd or .ovr file associated with the raster dataset.

Method 2: Delete the pyramids using the Build Pyramids tool

1. Open the Build Pyramids (Data Management) geoprocessing tool. In Arctoolbox, expand Data Management Tools > Raster > Raster Properties > Build Pyramids.

2. In the Input Raster Dataset field, specify the raster dataset with the pyramids that need to be deleted.

3. Click the Environments Button at the bottom of the dialog box.

4. In the Environment Settings dialog box, expand Raster Storage.

5. Under Raster Storage, type zero for Pyramid levels or uncheck Build pyramids to delete the existing pyramids. Click OK.


Article ID:000011575

  • ArcMap

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