Deauthorize and authorize an ArcMap Basic single use license

Last Published: April 5, 2023


The steps provided describe how to deauthorize and authorize a Basic single use license for ArcMap. This is often done when moving the software to a new computer.


Deauthorize a Basic Single Use License

  1. On the machine that has the license, open the start or search menu.
  2. Type ArcGIS Adminstrator and run the program as an administrator.
  3. It should appear similar to the following image:
User-added image
  1. On the machine that the license is currently on, select the Support Operations folder in the navigation pane, click the Deauthorize button, and follow the wizard.
User-added image

Authorize a Single Use License

  1. Open ArcGIS Administrator on the new machine that will hold the license.
  2. Select the appropriate license.
User-added image
  1. Click the Authorize Now button to launch the authorization wizard for single use features, as shown in the next image, and follow the steps in the wizard.
User-added image

Article ID: 000014183

  • ArcMap

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