Dates in ArcGIS Pro 2.8 and later are offset when using the UmAlQura Calendar as System Default

Last Published: August 23, 2021


Dates in ArcGIS Pro 2.8 and beyond may appear as zero to three days offset from the true value if an Arabic user locale is in use with the UmAlQura calendar set as system default. Not all Arabic locales default to this calendar, but the ones that do, for example, Arabic-Saudi Arabia, experience this issue.


System tools at versions 2.8 and later support the Hijri calendar, but not the UmAlQura calendar. Prior to version 2.8, neither calendar format is supported. 

Solution or Workaround

Ensure the default calendar is set to Hijri instead of UmAlQura:

  1.  Open Control Panel > Regional Settings.
  2. Select Additional Settings, as shown in the following image:
  1. Open the Date tab.
  2. In the Customize Format dialog box, Date tab, under Calendar Type, select Hijri from the drop down options, as shown in the following image:

Dates now display as expected in ArcGIS Pro.

At ArcGIS Pro versions 2.7 and prior, the Hijri calendar does not display as expected.

Article ID: 000024780

  • ArcGIS Pro 2 8 x

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