Creating a spatial view containing an ST_Geometry attribute does not set the view layer extent

Last Published: April 25, 2020


When creating a spatial view containing an ST_Geometry attribute in Oracle using the sdetable -o create_view command, the metadata for the view's extent in the sde.layers table is not being set; therefore, the view's layer extent is defined as empty.

An empty layer extent means ArcGIS does not set a spatial filter when performing spatial queries, identify selections, or spatial selections. Without the spatial filter, all rows are returned for all operations.


When creating a spatial view using the sdetable -o create_view command, the view's layer extent is not being set by ArcSDE.

Below is an example of creating a spatial view with the sdetable command:

sdetable -o create_view -T sewer_view -t sewer -c sewer.objectid,sewer.seg_id,sewer.shape -i sde:oracle10g

ArcSDE 9.2 for Oracle10g Build 339 Wed Sep 5 12:00:10 2007
Attribute Administration Utility
Successfully created view sewer_view.

After the view is created, one can describe the view and detect that the view's layer extent is defined as <EMPTY>.

D:\>sdelayer -o describe_long -l sewer_view,shape -i sde:oracle10g

ArcSDE 9.2 for Oracle10g Build 324 Tue Aug 21 12:00:11 2007
Layer Administration Utility
Layer Description ....: <None>
Table Owner ..........: TOMB
Table Name ...........: SEWER_VIEW
Spatial Column .......: SHAPE
Layer Id .............: 11
SRID .................: 7
Minimum Shape Id .....: 1
Offset ...............:
falsex: -119670700.000000
falsey: -95612900.000000
System Units .........: 3048.006096
Z Offset..............: 0.000000
Z Units ..............: 1.000000
Measure Offset .......: <None>
Measure Units ........: <None>
XY Cluster Tolerance .: 0.003280833333
Spatial Index ........:
parameter: SPIDX_GRID,GRID0=170,FULL
exist: Yes
array form: 170,0,0
Layer Envelope .......: <EMPTY>
Entities .............: nslc+
Layer Type ...........: Extended SQL Type
Creation Date ........: 08/27/07 11:23:36
I/O Mode .............: NORMAL
Autolocking ..........: Enabled
Precision.............: High
User Privileges ......: SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE
Coordinate System ....: PROJCS["NAD_1983_StatePlane_Ohio_South_FIPS_3402_Feet",G

Layer Configuration ..: DEFAULTS


To avoid all features being returned when performing spatial queries, identify selections, and spatial selections with ArcGIS, calculate or set the view's layer extent using the sdelayer command.

D:\>sdelayer -o alter -l sewer_view,shape -E calc -i sde:oracle10g

ArcSDE 9.2 for Oracle10g Build 324 Tue Aug 21 12:00:11 2007
Layer Administration Utility
Successfully Modified the Layer

See the ArcGIS Documentation Library link in Related Information for additional information on the sdelayer command.

    Article ID:000009594

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