After creating a local copy of feature services for editing, the Global ID is converted to zeroes (0000-0000-0000-0000). However, the service displays fine in ArcGIS Online with a unique Global ID for each of the features.
When the attribute table has a Global ID of zeroes, this prevents synching of edits to the hosted services.
The bug, NIM087622, states that this problem is fixed in ArcGIS for Desktop 10.2. This article pertains to previous releases.
This is a known issue.
Option 1
Remove the Global IDs from the feature class and republish the hosted feature service. It is not possible to remove the Global IDs if the synchronize functionality is enabled.
Option 2
To get the data and attachment, save a local copy of the feature service. Follow the steps provided in this article to create a replica from the REST endpoint of the service.
If the size of datasets with retrievable attachments is large, it may take a while to create a replica. Users may have to click the Check button a few times before the result URL displays at the bottom of the Create Replica Status page.
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