Create Replica failed. The server took too long to answer. The client has timed out

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

When creating a checkout replica from ArcGIS Server to a new personal geodatabase or file geodatabase, the following error is returned:

"Create Replica failed. The server took too long to answer. The client has timed out."


The timeout is one minute for creating a check-out replica to a new personal or file geodatabase. If replica creation takes longer than one minute, this error is returned.

Solution or Workaround

This timeout only applies to cases where the replica to a new personal or file geodatabase is created. New personal or file geodatabases are created when the default for the 'geodatabase that you want to replicate to' is accepted in the Create Replica wizard.

The problem does not occur if the personal or file geodatabase is first created in ArcCatalog and browsed to from the Create Replica wizard.

    Article ID: 000010418

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