Create Replica failed. Proxy server got bad address from remote server (verify the server is running)

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

When consuming a geodata service, the Create Replica From Server tool in ArcGIS Desktop is used to replicate the database for local use. However, while the tool is running, the tool fails and returns the following error:

Create Replica Failed.
Proxy server got bad address from remote server (verify the server is running).
User-added image


This is due to the timeout duration for the AWS load balancer being set to the default 60 seconds. If the user is working with a large database, the time to replicate can go over 60 seconds and the replication fails.

Solution or Workaround

Increase the timeout on the AWS load balancer URL assignments from the default 60 seconds to a higher amount. For more information, refer to: Configure the Idle Connection Timeout for Your Classic Load Balancer.

Article ID: 000015287

  • ArcMap
  • ArcGIS Server

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