Create OS Authentication for Oracle with Direct Connect

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Instructions provided describe how to create OS Authentication for Oracle with Direct Connect. Only Operating System (OS) Authentication or External Authentication is supported with Direct Connect for Oracle. Authenticated users need to be created with an 'identified externally' clause in Oracle. Once the user is created, they can then log into the Oracle database using the forward slash, '/', as the user name. Domain accounts cannot create or own objects in ArcCatalog, by default, because the username contains a prefix and domain name such as, OPS$domain/username; therefore, domain prefixing must be turned off in Oracle.


  1. Follow Oracle’s documentation on how to setup OS Authentication. Refer to the following references below provided by Oracle Metalink,, which describe in further detail how to setup OS authentication in Oracle.

    For Windows: Reference NOTE:60634.1; Subject: WIN: Setup O/S Authentication

    For UNIX: Reference NOTE:18088.1; Subject: UNIX: OS Authentication on Oracle Server
  2. After setting up the user identified externally (External OS User), test and verify that the External OS User can successfully log into the Oracle database in SQL*Plus, before creating a Direct Connect in ArcCatalog.
  3. After verifying that the External OS User can log into Oracle, users can log into ArcSDE using the Direct Connect parameters displayed below:

    Direct Connect parameters for Spatial Database Connections using Database Authentication
    SERVER: <leave blank>
    SERVICE: <see the following ArcSDE and Oracle versions below>
    -For ArcGIS 9.0 & 9.1 using Oracle9i or Oracle10g, enter -> sde:oracle9i
    -For ArcGIS 9.2 & Oracle9i, enter -> sde:oracle9i
    -For ArcGIS 9.2 & Oracle10g, enter -> sde:oracle10g
    DATABASE: <enter database name>
    PASSWORD: @<Oracle network service name>
    Direct Connect parameters for Spatial Database Connections using Operating System Authentication
    SERVER: <leave blank>
    SERVICE: <see the following ArcSDE and Oracle versions below>
    -For ArcGIS 9.0 & 9.1 using Oracle9i or Oracle10g, enter -> sde:oracle9i:/;LOCAL=<Oracle network service name>
    -For ArcGIS 9.2 & Oracle9i, enter -> sde:oracle9i:/;LOCAL=<Oracle network service name>
    -For ArcGIS 9.2 & Oracle10g, enter -> sde:oracle10g:/;LOCAL=<Oracle network service name>
    DATABASE: <enter database name>
  4. If using ArcGIS 9.2, in the Spatial Database Connection Properties, Account section, select the Operating system authentication radio button, but do not select the Database authentication radio button.

Article ID: 000009346

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