Create a Z-aware shapefile or feature class from a table

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Instructions provided show how to create a Z-aware shapefile or feature class from a table or spreadsheet.


  1. Open ArcCatalog and right-click the table in the Catalog tree that has columns containing coordinates. Point to Create Feature Class, and click From XY Table.
  2. Click the X Field drop-down arrow and click the name of the column that contains the x-coordinates.
  3. Click the Y Field drop-down arrow and click the name of the column that contains the y-coordinates.
  4. Click the Z Field drop-down arrow and click the name of the column that contains the z-coordinates.
  5. Click Spatial Reference of Input Coordinates and define the coordinate system for the input values as necessary.

  6. Click the Browse button.
  7. Click the 'Save as' type drop-down arrow, and click the format in which to create the new point features.
  8. Navigate to the folder or geodatabase in which you want to store the new features.
  9. Type a name for the new data source and click Save.
  10. Set any Advanced Geometry Options and ArcSDE configuration keywords as necessary.

  11. Click OK. A new point data source is created in the appropriate location.

    To verify that the z values exist, start an Edit Session in ArcMap and double-click a point. Open the Edit Sketch Properties dialog box to view the z values.

Article ID: 000010612

  • ArcMap

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