Create a time animation on multiple layers using the Time slider in ArcMap

Last Published: April 25, 2020


In ArcMap, the Time slider takes only one layer at a time by design. To create a time animation on multiple layers, merge the layers containing different symbology to a new feature class and use the Time slider on the new layer.


Follow the steps below to create a time animation on multiple layers. It is important to note that features merged must have the same shape type.

  1. Use the Merge tool to combine multiple layers to one single layer. A new layer is created.
The symbology of the new layer is not maintained after merging. If necessary, it must be re-created.
  1. Right-click the merged layer in the Table Of Contents > Properties.
  2. Click the Time tab, and check the Enable time on this layer check box.
  3. Set the Time properties section and use the time slider to create the animation.

    Configure Time Properties section.

For more information on creating a time animation, refer to: Creating a time animation.

As an alternative, create a group layer in the Table of Contents to make a group layer animation. There are three options that can be set when layers transition from one to the other:

  • Set each layer to appear abruptly one after the other.
  • Fade each layer in and out separately.
  • Blend layers when fading so one layer is fading out while the next layer is fading in.

For more information on group layer information, refer to: About making a group layer animation.

Article ID: 000017948

  • ArcMap

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