Creating a watershed requires computing the flow direction across a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) as well as defining the locations used to determine the catchment area. A point feature class is often used as the ‘feature pour point data;’ however, the Watershed geoprocessing (GP) tool also accepts a flow accumulation threshold raster. Using a threshold raster is particularly useful when pour points do not exist and watersheds need to be generated for the entire DEM based on the junctions of a stream network that has been derived from flow accumulation.
This workflow requires a license for the Spatial Analyst extension.
This workflow assumes that all preparatory work on the input elevation surface, the DEM, has already been performed. For more information, refer to the following links:
• Creating a depressionless DEM
• Understanding drainage systems
For more information about these tools, refer to the following links:
• Flow Direction (Spatial Analyst)
• Flow Accumulation (Spatial Analyst)
Manual manipulation of the symbology on the flow accumulation raster shows the cells where water is prone to accumulate, which correlates with large cell values.
SetNull("RASTER_NAME" < 1800, 1)
This statement contains a hypothetical threshold value.
For more information, refer to the following links:
• Overview of the rules for Map Algebra
• Set Null (Spatial Analyst)
For more information, refer to the following link:
• Stream Link (Spatial Analyst)
For more information, refer to the following links:
• How Watershed works
• Watershed (Spatial Analyst)
Article ID: 000011964
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