Create a donut feature with the ArcGIS Server Web Edit task

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Instructions provided describe how to create 'donut' features using the Edit task in an ArcGIS Server Web mapping application. The editing tools available with the Edit task are limited compared to that of ArcGIS Desktop, so a different work flow should be used.


Before starting these steps, the Web mapping application requires a map service with an associated geodata service configured for editing, as well as an edit task.
The editing task should have 'Add Features' and 'Edit Features' abilities allowed.

  1. During the edit session in the Web mapping application, click the Create Features Icon
    and create the desired feature. Select the new feature if is not already selected. It is also possible to select a previously existing feature.
  2. Click the Split Feature(s) icon
    and draw the area to be cut (to make the 'hole'). Make a self-intersecting line. The enclosed area becomes the part of the feature that is split.
    Select this feature if it is not already selected.
  3. Click the Delete Feature(s) icon.
  4. The area covered by the second feature should be erased from the first feature, leaving a 'donut hole' cut out of the feature selected in step 1.

Article ID: 000010566

  • ArcGIS Server

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