Could not start the Server Manager Service on the Local Computer. Error: Access is Denied

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

When opening the ArcGIS Server Manager, the Manager page does not open. The ArcGIS Server Manager service also fails to start with the following error:

"Could not start the Server Manager Service on the Local Computer. Error: Access is Denied"


The ArcGIS Server Object Manager account (ArcGISSOM) does not have at least read access to the directory %ArcGISHome%\Java\Manager.

Solution or Workaround

The directory, ArcGISHome%\Java\Manager, contains the files and folders necessary to run the internal Web server that is installed by default with ArcGIS Server for Java. If the ArcGISSOM account is unable to read the files and folders in this directory, the Web server cannot start, and ArcGIS Server Manager will be inaccessible.

  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the %ArcGISHome%\Java\Manager directory (folder).
  2. Right-click this folder and select 'Properties'.
  3. Select the 'Security' tab.
  4. Ensure that the ArcGISSOM account has at least read access to the %ArcGISHome%\Java\Manager directory.

Article ID: 000010581

  • ArcGIS Server

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