Error Message
When attempting to run an application that uses ArcObjects to connect to ArcGIS Server, the following error message is returned:
"Could not load native libraries. ArcGIS/bin should be added to the system PATH environment variable.
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no ntvauth in java.library.path
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0("
This error message is returned when the ServerInitializer.initializeServer method is not used for connecting to ArcGIS Server.
Solution or Workaround
Before any use of ArcObjects in a Java program either ServerInitializer or EngineInitializer needs to be called. ServerInitializer is used whenever ArcObjects calls are going to be made against an ArcGIS Server machine.
- If a connection is going to be made against only one ArcGIS Server machine then make a call of this form:
ServerInitializer.initializeServer("DOMAIN", "Username", "password");
If the user is a local user, replace DOMAIN with the name of the machine where the user has been created. This call needs to be made before calling ServerConnection::connect(machine). All ServerConnections in all threads will use these credentials when connecting to ArcGIS Server. - If connections are going to be made to multiple ArcGIS Servers or multiple username/password, credentials need to be used; then call ServerInitializer.initializeServer() without any arguments and before starting any additional threads.
When making a connection to ArcGIS Server, use the four argument method ServerConnection::connect to provide the credentials and make the call.