Could not create the handler named: 'esri.imageserver.serviceeditor.serviceeditorcmdhandler'. (COM error: 0x80040154)

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

During the compilation of an image service, the following error message is received:

"Could not create the handler named: 'esri.imageserver.serviceeditor.serviceeditorcmdhandler'. (COM error: 0x80040154)".


All, or a few, of the following DLLs exist in the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32 and may have older or different versions than required.


Solution or Workaround

Navigate to the C:\WINDOWS\system32 folder and see if any of the above listed DLLs exist in this folder. If they do, rename the DLLs to new names, such as pe_old.dll, sde_old.dll, and sg_old.dll, and recompile the service.

    Article ID: 000010419

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