Correcting a topology error using fixes returns an error

Last Published: April 25, 2020


When using one of the topology error fixes to correct an error, you may receive an error message stating that the operation could not be completed.

"Failed to create new feature. No support for this geometry type."

The above message can occur when using the 'Create New Feature' fix to correct "must cover each other" errors


The topology fixes expect certain error shape types; in the case of the Create New Feature fix for the 'must cover each other' rule, the fix expects a polygon error shape; if the error shape is a line the create operation fails.

Occasionally very small topology errors are produced when validating the topology. These topology errors cannot be properly stored in the Geodatabase; the process of storing them would cause them to collapse.

In the case of a rule where polygon errors are usually created, if the error shape cannot be stored as a polygon, it is stored as a line instead. Similarly, if a rule usually produces a line error, if the error shape cannot be stored as a line, it is stored as a point instead.
This allows you to visualize and locate the topological inconsistency.

Solution or Workaround

To correct the underlying condition causing the topology error, the feature geometry must be edited using the editing tools instead of the topology fixes provided.

Article ID: 000008460

  • ArcMap 9 x

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