A geometric network with invalid connectivity rules may experience an application crash during one of the following operations:
- Copy\Paste within ArcCatalog.
- When using the Data Extract command on the Distributed Geodatabase toolbar.
- The creation of a Replica or Check-Out.
Within a geometric network, invalid connectivity rules are those rules that meet the following criteria:
- For an edge-edge rule, no default junction is specified.
- For an edge-junction rule, no default junction is specified.
- For an edge-edge rule, no junctions are specified.
In order to determine whether the geometric network has invalid connectivity rules, use the following Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code sample.
To use this code sample:
- Copy the sample into the ThisDocument module within VBA for ArcCatalog.
- Select the geometric network to analyze.
- Run the macro.
- If invalid connectivity rules are found, they are listed when the macro finishes running. The invalid rules are also displayed in the Debug output window in VBA.
Sub FindInvalidConnRules()
Dim pApp As IGxApplication
Dim pGxObj As IGxObject
Dim pDataset As IDataset
Dim pGN As IGeometricNetwork
Dim pFCC As IFeatureClassContainer
Dim pName As IName
Dim pEnumRule As IEnumRule
Dim pRule As IRule
Dim pEdgeConnRule As IEdgeConnectivityRule
Dim pSubtypes As IRowSubtypes
Dim strConnRules As String
Dim k As Long
Set pApp = Application
Set pGxObj = pApp.SelectedObject
Set pName = pGxObj.InternalObjectName
Set pGN = pName.Open
Set pFCC = pGN
Set pEnumRule = pGN.Rules
k = 0
Set pRule = pEnumRule.Next
Do Until pRule Is Nothing
If pRule.Type = esriRTEdgeConnectivity Or pRule.Type = esriRTJunctionConnectivity Then
If pRule.Type = esriRTEdgeConnectivity Then
Set pEdgeConnRule = pRule
If pEdgeConnRule.DefaultJunctionClassID = -1 Then
Debug.Print pFCC.ClassByID(pEdgeConnRule.FromEdgeClassID).AliasName & ":" & pEdgeConnRule.FromEdgeSubtypeCode, pFCC.ClassByID(pEdgeConnRule.ToEdgeClassID).AliasName & ":" & pEdgeConnRule.ToEdgeSubtypeCode, pEdgeConnRule.JunctionCount, pEdgeConnRule.DefaultJunctionClassID
strConnRules = strConnRules & pFCC.ClassByID(pEdgeConnRule.FromEdgeClassID).AliasName & ":" & pEdgeConnRule.FromEdgeSubtypeCode & ", " & pFCC.ClassByID(pEdgeConnRule.ToEdgeClassID).AliasName & ":" & pEdgeConnRule.ToEdgeSubtypeCode & vbCrLf
k = k + 1
End If
End If
End If
Set pRule = pEnumRule.Next
If k = 0 Then
MsgBox "No invalid connectivity found", vbOKOnly, "Invalid connectivity rules"
MsgBox "Feature Class:Subtype, Feature Class:Subtype" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & strConnRules, vbOKOnly, "Invalid connectivity rules"
End If
End Sub
The issue has also been corrected with ArcGIS 9.2 Service Pack 5. The presence of invalid connectivity no longer causes the application to crash, during any of the above mentioned operations.
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