Converting an event layer containing joined XY data to a shapefile changes the field names in the converted shapefile.
This issue occurs when using XY data to create a join for the event layer, and exporting the layer as a shapefile. Exporting the event layer as a file geodatabase feature class does not change the field names.
Solution or Workaround
The following are workarounds for both ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro.
Perform a join with the XY data table and the desired feature class. Subsequently, create a second join with the event layer.
- In ArcMap, export the table containing the XY data to a file geodatabase table. For more information on exporting tables, refer to ArcGIS Help: Exporting tables.
- Join the desired feature class to the file geodatabase table from Step 1.
- Export the output from Step 2 to a file geodatabase to permanently save the output.
- Create the event layer using the join created in Step 3.
- Export the event layer as a feature class to the file geodatabase.
ArcGIS Pro
Use available tools, such as Make XY Event Layer and Copy Features.
- In ArcGIS Pro, add a .csv file containing the XY data to the desired event layer.

- Join the desired feature class with the event layer from Step 1.
- Export the joined event layer as a feature class. For more information, refer to ArcGIS Help: Add x,y coordinate data as layer.
Ensure the field names are displayed correctly by viewing the attribute table.