Convert selected CAD data to ArcGIS shapefile, coverage, or geodatabase feature classes using geoprocessing

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Instructions provided describe how to convert selected CAD data to ArcGIS shapefile, coverage, or geodatabase feature classes using geoprocessing.


Select an option below:
  • Use the Feature Class To Feature Class geoprocessing system tool.
    The Feature Class To Feature Class tool takes, as input, any feature layer including a CAD feature class. The tool has a filter query expression parameter. The tool also allows the specification of the output type by specifying the path to the output feature class. Depending on the output workspace type, the tool creates the appropriate output feature class type.

    For example, if the output workspace path points to a file folder, the tool generates a shapefile. If the output workspace is an enterprise geodatabase or geodatabase feature data set, then an enterprise geodatabase feature class is generated.
  • Using the Make Feature Layer tool as part of a ModelBuilder Model.

    Perform a selective conversion of CAD data by creating a ModelBuilder model that includes the Make Feature Layer tool. The conversion is accomplished by using a CAD feature class as input to the Make Feature Layer tool and using the resulting feature layer as the input to the Copy Features, Append, or Feature Class To Feature Class tool.

    The Make Feature Layer tool includes a query expression parameter. Build a query to include only features based on a combination of CAD graphic properties or that reside on a specific CAD layer.

    The Make Feature Layer tool also includes the field info parameter control. This parameter allows the omission of the various CAD property fields or the renaming of the fields before the data is written out to disk in the desired data format.

    The resulting feature layer created by the Make Feature Layer tool can also participate in a table join, which provides a means to re-establish external database links between database tables and the CAD data before the data is saved to an ArcGIS feature class.

Article ID: 000007258

  • ArcMap 9 x

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