To make a database connection from ArcGIS to SAP HANA, an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver must be configured. The following article describes making the connection to a SAP HANA database, but configuring the ODBC is very similar for any other database that supports this method of connection.
This article assumes the database client files have already been installed.
- Open the 32-bit ODBC administrator by navigating to the following path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe.

- Under the System DSN tab, click the Add button.

- Select the driver to be configured. In this example, HDBODBC32 is selected from the list of drivers. Click Finish.

- A dialog box appears. Fill out the Data Source Name, Description and Server:Port fields.

- Click the Settings ... button, and click Add.

- Enter the following:
Value: 1
Click OK.

- Click OK to complete the driver configuration. Additionally, click the Connect button to verify that a successful ODBC connection can be established with the server.
- From the system's Environment Variables, update the Path variable to include the SAP Client location, which contains the .exe and .dll files
(The default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\sap\hdbclient;). Place it at the beginning of the Path variable's value, as seen below.

- Use the Data Source name created in Step 4 to connect from ArcCatalog.