Configure updated Target Marketing infographic templates for the local U.S. 2023 Business Analyst dataset in ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: November 6, 2023


Business Analyst Target Marketing infographic templates for the United States have been redesigned and modernized as part of the ArcGIS Pro 3.2 development cycle. These updates improve accessibility, legibility, and overall presentation of the contained data.

These updated templates will be delivered with the local U.S. 2023 Release 2 Business Analyst dataset, available for download on November 9, 2023. Once the Release 2 dataset is set up on your machine, you will be able to use these templates in ArcGIS Pro.

To use the updated templates now, you can follow these steps to manually install them into your existing local U.S. 2023 Business Analyst dataset, known as June 2023, release 1.

Manually updating your U.S. Target Marketing infographic templates requires downloading and unzipping the necessary files, and then copying them into the designated folders.


  1. Download the compressed file to a folder on your computer.
  2. Unzip the file. The folder contains an updated .xml file (USA_ESRI_2023.xml) and the following updated U.S. 2023 Target Marketing infographic template folders:
    • Tapestry Profile with Volume Infographic
    • Market Potential with Volume Infographic
    • Market Potential Infographic
    • Developing Market Strategies Infographic
    • Tapestry Profile Infographic
    • Gap Analysis Infographic

The location where you will copy these files depends on whether you connected to or installed your existing local U.S. 2023 Business Analyst dataset. Proceed with the appropriate steps below, based on your setup.

  1. Ensure that ArcGIS Pro is closed.
  2. If you are connected to the local U.S. 2023 dataset, complete the following steps.
    1. Copy the .xml file into the following folder: ESRI _2023_US_Data_Update\Configuration

You can identify the full path to the dataset by opening ArcGIS Pro, opening Options, and selecting Business Analyst. The path is displayed in this window.

    1. Copy the template folders to the following folder in the dataset path: ESRI_BA_2023_US_Data_Update\Information Products\Segmentation Reports
  1. If you have installed the local U.S. 2023 dataset, complete the following steps:
    1. Copy the .xml file into the following folder: C:\ArcGIS\Business Analyst\US_2023\Datasets
    2. Copy the template folders into the following folder:
      C:\ArcGIS\Business Analyst\US_2023\Datasets\Report Templates\Default Report Templates\USA_ESRI_2023\Segmentation

With these steps complete, you are ready to run these updated U.S. Target Marketing infographic templates with the local U.S. 2023 Business Analyst dataset active.

Article ID: 000031495

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