ArcGIS Server .NET and Java APIs provide a CenterAndScale class to help zoom to an extent based on a centerpoint and a scale.
The user can get the map extent (MapExtent) from the result of a map export (MapImage).
To complete the map extent based on a centerpoint and a scale without having to get it from the output image, calculate the map extent on the client side. Instructions provided describe how to compute the map extent based on a centerpoint and a scale for ArcGIS Server client applications.
/* The function requires MapServer WSDL’s MapServerInfo, ImageDisplay, CenterAndScale object and an already created EnvelopeN object (by ref) which will be modified */ private void ComputeExtent(MapServerWSDL.MapServerInfo pMSI, MapServerWSDL.ImageDisplay pImageDisplay, MapServerWSDL.CenterAndScale pCenterAndScale, ref MapServerWSDL.EnvelopeN pOutEnvelope) { try { /* dividing image width by DPI to get it in Inch */ double dblImgWidthInInch = pImageDisplay.ImageWidth / pImageDisplay.ImageDPI; double dblImgHeightInInch = pImageDisplay.ImageHeight / pImageDisplay.ImageDPI; /* converting Inch to meter (assume the map is in meter) */ double dblImgWidthInMapUnit = dblImgWidthInInch * 0.0254; double dblImgHeightInMapUnit = dblImgHeightInInch * 0.0254; /* calculating half of map’s height & width at the specific scale */ double dX = (dblImgWidthInMapUnit * pCenterAndScale.Scale) / 2; double dY = (dblImgHeightInMapUnit * pCenterAndScale.Scale) / 2; /* using the center point and width & height created before, it is computing map’s extent */ MapServerWSDL.PointN pCtrPnt = pCenterAndScale.Center as MapServerWSDL.PointN; double minX = pCtrPnt.X - dX; double maxX = pCtrPnt.X + dX; double minY = pCtrPnt.Y - dY; double maxY = pCtrPnt.Y + dY; /* assigning values to the Envelope object passed by the caller function */ pOutEnvelope.XMin = minX; pOutEnvelope.XMax = maxX; pOutEnvelope.YMin = minY; pOutEnvelope.YMax = maxY; /* printing out the extent */ Debug.Print("ComputeExtent Result: " + pOutEnvelope.XMin.ToString() + ", " + pOutEnvelope.YMin.ToString() + ", " + pOutEnvelope.XMax.ToString() + ", " + pOutEnvelope.YMax.ToString()); } catch (Exception exp) { MessageBox.Show(exp.Message, "Error in ComputeExtent", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
Note: DCOM connection is no longer supported in ArcGIS for Server 10.1. If you need to use the following code in 10.1, do not use ServerContext.
/* ** esriDisplay library must be referenced. The function requires MapServerInfo, ImageDisplay, CenterAndScale object and returns IEnvelope ServerContext is optional, only required when your application works with ServerContext */ private IEnvelope ComputeExtent(IMapServerInfo pMapServerInfo, IImageDisplay pImageDisplay, ICenterAndScale pCenterAndScale, IServerContext pServerContex) { try { /* aRect holds information about the client side’s map size in pixel */ tagRECT aRect = new tagRECT(); = 0; aRect.left = 0; aRect.bottom = pImageDisplay.Height; aRect.right = pImageDisplay.Width; /* when application uses ServerContext, DisplayTransformation will be created in ServerContext */ IDisplayTransformation pDT; if (pServerContex != null) pDT = pDT = new DisplayTransformationClass();pServerContex.CreateObject("esriDisplay.DisplayTransformation") as IDisplayTransformation; else /* Setting different DisplayTransformation properties to compute extent */ pDT.Bounds = pMapServerInfo.FullExtent; IEnvelope pMDscExtent = pMapServerInfo.DefaultMapDescription.MapArea.Extent; pMDscExtent.CenterAt(pCenterAndScale.Center); pDT.VisibleBounds = pMDscExtent; pDT.SpatialReference = pMapServerInfo.DefaultMapDescription.SpatialReference; pDT.Units = pMapServerInfo.MapUnits; pDT.set_DeviceFrame(ref aRect); pDT.Resolution = pImageDisplay.DeviceResolution; pDT.ScaleRatio = pCenterAndScale.MapScale; /* printing map extent */ Debug.Print("New Map Extent - After ScaleRatio: " + pDT.FittedBounds.XMin.ToString() + ", " + pDT.FittedBounds.YMin.ToString() + ", " + pDT.FittedBounds.XMax.ToString() + ", " + pDT.FittedBounds.YMax.ToString()); //returning new map extent return pDT.FittedBounds; } catch (Exception exp) { MessageBox.Show(exp.Message, "Error in ComputeExtent", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return null; } }
Article ID: 000009601
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