Closing the Identify window in Mozilla Firefox 3 causes the Identify tool to re-execute unexpectedly

Last Published: April 25, 2020


When clicking the X to dismiss an Identify Result window in Mozilla Firefox 3, the Identity tool unexpectedly re-executes and opens a new Identify Result window.

This issue applies to the Identify tool that is included in the Web Mapping Application for the ArcGIS Server .NET Web ADF.


A code change is required in the Identify tool to account for Mozilla Firefox 3.


  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the location of the Web Mapping Application. The path is likely c:\inetpub\wwwroot\<WebAppName>.
  2. Navigate in to the JavaScript folder and open MapIdentify.js in a text editor.
  3. Search for the string:


  4. Remove 'this' from the string you just found. The updated string should look like the following:


  5. Search for the next occurrence of the string:


  6. Replace the closeIdentifyPanel() function with the following function:

    function closeIdentifyPanel() {
    var dropdown = $get("dropdown_" + arcgisIdentifyTool.get_id());
    if (dropdown) dropdown.style.display = "none";
    var delay = (Sys.Browser.agent == Sys.Browser.Firefox && Sys.Browser.version >= 3) ? 500 : 0;
    window.setTimeout("arcgisIdentifyTool.clearOutCallout();", delay);

  7. Save the changes and close the text editor.
  8. In Mozilla Firefox 3, click Tools > Clear Private Data.
  9. Select the Cache option and click 'Clear Private Data Now'.

Article ID:000010257

  • ArcGIS Server

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