Clear Cache Options in ArcGIS Server for the Java Platform do not affect the cache for REST API

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Clear Cache Options in ArcGIS Server for the Java Platform do not affect the cache settings for REST API if updated from REST API Admin: http://<host>:8399/arcgis/rest/admin.

This bug is specific for Java Platform for ArcGIS Server. The .NET Platform updates the cache just fine.

The REST API cache information settings do not come into effect or update the rest-config.properties file if changing the mode from manual to periodic or scheduled from REST Admin.


The cause is unknown.


As a workaround, the settings can be updated manually. Follow the steps below to update the Clear Cache settings for REST API.

  1. Update the rest-config.properties files. The cache clearance mode can be configured with the config.cache.clear-cache-mode property. The possible values are manual, scheduled, and periodic. The default is manual.

    * for periodic update -
    The interval is specified in minutes.

    * for scheduled update -

    For more details about configuring the REST cache options, refer to the Configuring the REST API Help page.

  2. Restart the ArcGIS Server Manager Service.
  3. Log in to REST Admin again and the Clear Cache Options will be updated as changed in the rest-config.properties file.

Article ID: 000010592

  • ArcGIS Server

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